I get it. With little ones running around, there's no sugar coating it - it is difficult. Here's a tiny tactic I tried the other day that allowed me about 20 minutes to move, breathe and become a little more present.
Kids Yoga Toys!
These yoga dice were actually a bit of a gag gift from one of my students. My son loved stacking them up, knocking them down and voila, I also had a sequence of poses to practice. AND they're from Aldi!
Some other kids yoga toys that can provide you with a few moments to yourself and have the added bonus of starting to instil the benefits of mindfulness and yoga into your little ones are:
yoga cards
felt stacking stones (which can spy just behind my yoga dice) that require careful movements to stack without falling
glitter jars for meditation
action figure, barbie or any other toy that can be manoeuvred into doing yoga poses
Only got time for 1 or 2 minutes? Perfect! Remember any movement or mindful practice is better than nothing.
Have fun! x